How to set goals you actually stick to (no more failed New Year’s Resolutions) and keep your brain on track (no endless procrastination!)
How many times have you set a goal and failed to reach it? Said to yourself, “I’m going to start that diet tomorrow”? Or “this is the year I get in shape”? Or “I’m going to start saving money”?
And you do really well for a few weeks, then your motivation fizzles?
We’ve all been there. 80% of New Years’ Resolutions fail by mid-February. That’s just 6 weeks later!
Why does this happen?
The short answer is your brain gets in the way.
Your brain loves to be comfortable… and change is not comfortable for your brain! Which results in self-doubt, procrastination, and failed goals.
The good news is you can retrain your brain to actually stick to your goals.
I’ve pulled together the top strategies I’ve learned throughout my career studying the brain and behaviour to help you retrain your brain for success. Check them out below.