27: Find The Confidence To Speak Your Mind

In this episode we’re talking about how to find the courage to say what’s on your mind, and stand up for yourself. Listen in to find your voice and stop worrying what everyone else thinks!

Two fears usually stand in our way of speaking up: the fear of rejection and the fear of embarrassment. When those fears creep in it’s easy to convince yourself that your idea doesn’t matter, and so you hold back and don’t share your thoughts with others in the conversation.

Find out how to train your brain to act with courage to enable yourself to break free from fear and speak up! Learn how to remove the inner doubt stopping you from speaking your mind.

Show Highlights

[01:20] How many times have you held back in conversations?

[03:24] Wishing you had the courage to speak up.

[06:08] In our modern world, the fear of being judged can hold us back.

[07:50] Our brain’s default response is to doubt ourselves when we want to speak up.

[09:37] Holding back and not saying what we feel creates significant stress on our body.

[11:30] Train your brain to act with courage through practice.

[13:45] Build a mental barrier of courage in your mind.

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Podcast, AllRebecca Munz